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Public health stakeholders call for timely application of new medical devices rules The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE), the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP), the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), Prescrire and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) call for timely application of the new rules on medical devices and complete transparency concerning high-risk medical devices with public access to Eudamed. Publication of an ESIP study on the coverage of platform workers The impact of digitalization, especially of the platform economy, is a burning topic in Europe. The number of publications on the size of platform economy and its impact on labour markets is growing.
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According to the most quoted figure in the EU, the share of people working in the platform economy ranges between 1 and 5 per cent. The views are somewhat polarized, as some see the phenomenon as rupturing the labour market while others find that its impact is minor (at least for now). Less attention has been given to its interplay with social insurance. That is why ESIP decided to take a closer look at that part of the phenomenon.
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