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The penultimate patch. It's a major milestone in the development of, as the penultimate major update drops today!
'Life in Technicolor' will be the last update released during the development period, adding new Joy effects as well as a brand new UI (although not final yet), an AI rework and much more. Today also marks the previously-announced price change, bringing We Happy Few to full price. Of course, this is not final form yet, as one more major update is scheduled to coincide with the game's official release date. You can see more recent news about the update and more. Finkleroy: It's really sad to see a developer try to have a civil conversation, only to be met with rude, obnoxious trolling. The trolls pretend as though they have the right to be extremely rude and ignorant, and as soon as the target of their trolling calls them out on it, they get butthurt.
It's time to grow up, people. I don't know why they keep coming back and being so contrary both on here and Steam.
If they believe the developer is unprofessional/untrustworthy/incompetent etc and the game is a rip-off then why not move on? If they don't believe anything the developer says then why even ask anything? Or is it because they don't want answers but want to make baseless accusations instead?
_Ex: (a) reference to previous conversation ssylka na imevshii mesto razgovor _Ex: no further reference to him was made o nem bol'she ne upominali _Ex: his memoirs contain many references to interesting people v svoih memuarah on govorit o mnogih interesnyh lyudyah _Ex: he gave us a reference to his last employer on predlozhil nam navesti o nem spravki u ego prezhnego nanimatelya _Ex: 'R. Ssylat'sya na kogo-l., chto-l.; upominat' o kom-l., chem-l. Similar words: (1.00) (0.70) (0.70) (0.70) (0.67) reference 1> (to) ssylka (na kogo-l., chto-l.); upominanie (o chem-l., kom-l.) _Ex: to make reference to smb., smth. Referenciya banka obrazec e.
Being a potential customer (as if they were really going to buy depending on how the discussion went) doesn't mean you can talk insulting nonsense then complain about being told you're talking insulting nonsense. Amcdermo: I don't know why they keep coming back and being so contrary both on here and Steam. If they believe the developer is unprofessional/untrustworthy/incompetent etc and the game is a rip-off then why not move on? If they don't believe anything the developer says then why even ask anything? Or is it because they don't want answers but want to make baseless accusations instead? Being a potential customer (as if they were really going to buy depending on how the discussion went) doesn't mean you can talk insulting nonsense then complain about being told you're talking insulting nonsense.
I've been reading this thread daily and all I see is a developer representative who's trying to explain their decisions. No one has to like those decisions, but the posts from some users in here are getting more hostile every post. I think Manywhelps did a commendable job in keeping civil up to now and if anyone thinks that they can say what they want without being called out on that just because the other person happens to be a developer representative, that's just plain disrespectful to another human being. If you want to voice your opinion that's fine, but you should expect a response in kind. TimeGate, the studio that ended up creating much if not a majority of the final product, made some of their own mistakes. For starters, they didn't stand up to Gearbox's pressure on the creative design aspect.
This really limited what they could do with the game on their end. The project was also already a mess by the time they got their hands on it and realistically, they should have simply declined to work on it. However, TimeGate themselves is a small studio so you could argue they needed the funding provided, even if it turns out the funding from Gearbox was merely a fraction of the actual funding Sega gave them for the project. Manywhelps: if people weren't immediately 'what the fuck, this is a survival game?' We might not have focused as much as we have on story.
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